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We had fun at Jim Kempner's gallery just like the building advertises, "Hopeful" and smiling inside the whim of modern architecture. The sales people were selling and other people were preparing a sculpture for delivery. The rocky-layered sculpture, by an artist also exhibiting at Pratt, must have weighed a ton since there were several people attempting to move it into a delivery truck. Most of the people on the sidewalk stopped to watch the art adventure. When we walked through the gallery door, the first impression was an art experience within a sculpture garden, almost zen-like. Then we browsed the funniest art historical postcards with a twist. The owner had photoshopped himself into infamous pieces of art. You can preview them at and be ready to giggle. I just want to say Thank you Jim for setting up the stage for such a grand art expedition.

Jim Kempner Fine Art

  • 8x10"
    Jim Kempner Fine Art
    23rd Street, Chelsea

    New York City
    Oil Painting Series

    Artist Lisa Bisbee
    SKU: B0643

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